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Thursday, January 25, 2018

You have been hired by Mark Cuban

Dear taannj.share,

You were selected for this exciting new oppertunity that could earn you 7,000 monthly

(1) spot left >

Congrats again on being my personally seleted choice. I would love if you joined me for this exciting new project that you can do completely from the comfort of your home.

Your friend,

Mark Cuban >

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from down the Hudson, of which Garry Everson was the leader. Tom had tried to procure cabin accommodations for these good friends, but the cabins had all been spoken for before their application came and they had to be content with the less desirable quarters. During the early days of their stay the Bridgeboro Troop arrived in a blaze of glory; the Ravens, with their pride and delight, Doc Carson, first aid boy; the rest of the Silver166 Foxes with Westy Martin, Dorry Benton and others; and Toms own

troop occupying a cabin could do its own cooking and mess by itself if it chose. There were some rather interesting rules and regulations. If a scout a merit badge while at camp this entitled his whole troop to lengthen its stay by two days, if it so elected. If he the life scout badge, four extra days was the reward of his whole troop. The star badge meant an extra week, the eagle badge ten extra days. A scout winning the bronze cross was entitled with his troop to occupy Hero Cabin and to remain two

patrol leader for the time being. Garry Everson was a general favorite. Not only had his stunt of receiving the signal message and restoring the fugitive Peewee him high regard with the Bridgeboro boys, but his quiet manner and whimsical humor had made him many friends throughout the camp. He was tall and slim, but muscular; the water seemed to be his specialty; he was an expert at rowing and paddling, he could dive in a dozen different ways and as for swimming, no one at Temple Camp could begin to

Why didnt you bring your knitting I cant stay long, said Tom. Ive got to inspect the cabins yet, and then Ive got to make up the program for campfire yarns tonight. By the way, couldnt you give us a spiel Oh, sure, said Garry. The Quest of the Honor Medal. Ill tell how nobody ever gets into danger hereor imperils his life, as Peewee would say. Im going to put a notice up on one of the trees and get you to read another at mess with the regular announcements: Wanted; by scout seeking honor medal; someone

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