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Friday, January 26, 2018

taannj.share your amazon prime (2018) points have been generated : id #: 40239681

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- Date: 1/26/2018
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him before. But he went to work just as though he had been introduced! He flung off his cap and stripped off the jacket, too, in a twinkling. It seemed to Agnes as though he climbed up the tree and reached the limb she clung to as quickly as any cat. He flung up his legs, wound them about the butt of the limb like two black snakes, and seized Agnes' wrists. Swing free—I've got you! he commanded. Agnes actually obeyed. There was something impelling in his voice; but likewise she felt that there was sufficient strength in those hands that grasped her wrists, to hold her. Her feet slipped from the ledge and she shot down.

a dusky color came slowly into his naturally pale cheek. What do you say that for? he asked, dropping his gaze, and picking up his cap and jacket. What do you mean—circus? Why, said Agnes, breathlessly, just like one of those acrobats that fly over the heads of the people, and do all those curious things in the air——Why! you know. How do I know? demanded the boy, quite fiercely. It became impressed upon Agnes' mind that the stranger was angry. She did not know why, and she only felt

gratitude—and curiosity—toward him. Didn't you ever go to a circus? she asked, slowly. The boy hesitated. Then he said, bluntly: No! and Agnes knew it was the truth, for he looked now unwaveringly into her eyes. My! you've missed a lot, she breathed. So did we till this summer. Then Mr. Howbridge took us to one of those that came to Milton. What circus was it you went to? the boy asked,

The Corner House Girls, as they had come to be known to Milton folk, and as they are known to the readers of the first volume of this series, had occupied the great mansion opposite the lower end of the Parade Ground, since the spring before. They had come from Bloomingsburg, where their father and mother had died, leaving them without guardianship. But when Uncle Peter Stower died and left most of his property to his four nieces, Mr. Howbridge, the lawyer, had come for the Kenway sisters and established them in the old Corner House. Here they had spent the summer getting acquainted with Milton folk (making

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