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Saturday, January 27, 2018

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frightened and helpless; the shock of the pressure of those brutal fingers about his neck still distressed him, and his head ached from it all. What der if in face of this tragical reality, the scouts with all their much advertised resource and prowess should lose prestige a little in his thoughts Yet it might have been worth while for him to pause and reflect that though the scout123 arm is neither brutal nor menacing, it still has an exceedingly long reach and that it can pin you just as surely as the cruel fingers which had fixed themselves on his own throat. But he was too terrified and exhausted to think very clearly

to the other. Then it started again and continued to move until Peewee thought it was going away, and his hope revived at the thought that escape might yet be possible. Then the sound came nearer again and presently the car received a jolt, accompanied by a bang. The convict was thrown a little, but he resumed his stand, waiting, desperate, menacing. Those few minutes must have been dreadful ones to him as he watched the two doors, knife in hand. Then came more shunting and banging and calling and

answering, a short, shrill whistle and more moving and then at last the slow, continuous progress of the car, which was evidently now at last a part of that endless miscellaneous procession, rattling along through the night with its innumerable companions. Its lucky for them, said the convict, through his teeth, as he relaxed. Peewee hardly knew what he meant, he had scarcely any interest, and it was difficult to hear122 on account of the noise. He was too shaken up to think clearly, but he dered, as the rattling train moved slowly along, how long he could go without food, how he would get back from Buffalo, and

has got into him exclaimed Tom.126 Search me; unless hes mad because we left him here. Tom looked about as if in search of some explanation, and as usual his scrutiny was not unfruitful. It looks as if he had started to get supper, said he: theres the rice A sudden inspiration seized Roy. Pulling out the recipe book from his duffel bag he opened it where the letter to Mary Temple lay. I thought so, he said shamefacedly. I left the end of it sticking out to mark the place and now its in between the leaves. Thats what did the mischief; he must have found it. You ought to have torn it up before we started, said Tom. I know it, but I

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