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Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Prostate's 10 Amazing Functions

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The Prostate's 10 Amazing Functions

Prostate massage is a new world for most men.

Why? Most of us have not learned enough about our prostates and its importance for great health in general and sexual health for men in particular, let alone for ultimate sexual pleasure and sexual stamina. And only a relative few have learned about ways to massage the prostate for health and stimulation. Prostate massage and sexual instruction isn't something men generally talk about over beer. Let's face it! It's been a bit of a taboo topic. Thank goodness that is changing.Our prostate is one of our body's filters and it stores some of the above mentioned toxins. If you're middle aged and you've never done prostate massage, that's years of accumulation! And our prostate is our most sensitive gland., needed for our health and sexual refillment.

There's no shame in taking care of our health. Therapeutic
prostate massage is a very beneficial skill. 

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