Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Weird Guy Finds A Legit Way To Cut Energy Bills By 73.5%

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Weird Guy Finds A Legit Way To Cut Energy Bills By 73.5%

Smart Device Saves 6 Lives In Wisconsin Blizzard

Hi, my name is Ryan Tanner.

And today you're going to learn how a simple and ingenious device saved 6 lives during a monstrous Wisconsin flash blizzard... and turned the tide against the corporate fat-cats once and for all!

I'm guessing you might have seen on the news the sheer power Mother Nature unravels during the cold Wisconsin winters... Or you might have experienced it yourself.

Anyway you turn it... It's nothing you can take lightly. And almost always... catches you off-guard.

This is something that can save your life...

A secret power bank.

Each and every toolbox was a power source of its own. 3 were depleted, 3 were still kicking at 80%. But what charged them?

I took a closer look at the ping-pong table. It was odd... I didn't know my father played the game... And to my amazement it wasn't a table... But a folding array of solar panels. Small and compact... Like nothing I've seen before.

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or Write us 4589 Java Lane Shawview Heights SC 29152

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