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Monday, November 30, 2015

Baking Soda--and - Skincare -- Products. -Learn-About These Alarming Facts

Beverly Hills MD

I've been reading a lot lately about an "easy celebrity beauty trick" that has me VERY concerned. It might even be one you do yourself... Because there are THOUSANDS of articles on the internet right now saying how great it is for your skin... and how many celebrities SWEAR by it for fresh, glowing, even skin... And all of these articles are VERY WRONG!

Baking soda isn't a skincare product - it's a household cleaning chemical.

Some people like to call it "at-home microdermabrasion," and claim it can help you get rid of uneven tone, texture, and even dark spots... But what it boils down to is exfoliating your face with baking soda.

So when you put baking soda on your skin, it cancels out all of the "good" things your skin is doing on its own... It messes with skin's probiotic balance, oil production, texture, and even its molecular composition.

So how are you supposed to get that same smooth, glowing skin, in the comfort of your own home?

Click HERE to watch a short informational video that I have assembled to explain.



Dr. John Layke

Baking   Soda--and - Skincare -- Products.  -Learn-About These Alarming Facts

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