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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Eating this one snack may SERIOUSLY harm your health

act. For instance, I remember when the saw was put into his hand, the manner of holding it, and his act in starting the saw at the edge of the board, was a physical recollection of the former manner of doing certain things. It was so in the handling of the gun, and the adroit manner in which he stalked the savages, all go to show that certain things which are associated with purely physical acts are just as aptly done now as when in his other state. How is Chief getting along? He is often an enigma to
eyes often glistened as they had not done before. On all these occasions the Professor was ever on the alert to notice his symptoms. During the following day, in conversation with the boys, he said: There is every indication that John is beginning to make an individuality entirely apart from his former surroundings. But if he does not recall any of his former life, how is it that he goes ahead and does things which he must have learned before he reached his present condition? That is plainly a manual
the sight, and made his way back hurriedly. The Professor and the others were waiting. What do you suppose he was after? Clay! And he ate it! This remarkable proceeding could hardly be credited by the boys. Ate it! exclaimed George. I think you must be mistaken. Ralph looked at Tom, and immediately answered: That is just what they did with that stuff we saw that the first savages had; dont you remember, Tom? 154 I never stopped to inquire; but I know they had something that looked like clay mud. I der if that was eaten by them? That is not so remarkable, observed the Professor. It is a custom in many parts of the world.
mastered the art of sawing along the line. In the evening George again brought out the maps of the heavens and asked why he had made the band which was traced in curves on the two hemispheres. They show the course of the moon through the heavens, and in order to get the position, the mariner measures the degrees between the moon and the nearest fixed star. But if he hasnt any instrument to measure degrees, how can he tell how to make the calculation? In that case he simply takes the yardstick of the heavens out of its box, and uses that as a measure. 152 I never heard of such a thing before. Where is the box? In the

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