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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Be prepared- Get Term Life insurance

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Be prepared- Get Term Life insurance



Agency services provided by AIG Direct Insurance Services, Inc. ("AIG Direct"), CA License #0B57619 and AR license #0100105378, a subsidiary of American General Life Insurance Company (AGL), Houston, TX, and an affiliate of The United States Life Insurance Company in the City of New York (US Life), New York, NY. AIG Direct, AGL and US Life are members of American International Group, Inc. (AIG). Each Issuing insurance company is responsible for the financial obligations of its insurance products. Advertised Rate examples concerning $14.19 a month are current as of 1/22/2018 and are for a for $500,000, 10-year term life insurance policy in the Preferred Plus Underwriting Class. Form #07007, issued by AGL, Houston, TX. Products may not be available in all states, and product features may vary by state. In NY State, term life insurance is available through US Life, Form #09007N.Premium charges depend on evidence of insurability. Premiums increase at the end of the guaranteed term if renewed. Death benefit remains level. The policy may be contested for two years from the date of issue for material misstatements or omissions on the application. Policy is limited to return of premium paid in the event of suicide within first two years. "Save up to 70%" savings comparison based on monthly premium rates as of 1/22/2018 for a 10 year level term policy, for face amounts of $1,000,000 issued by American General Life Insurance Company at its best published rates for a female age 30, non-smoker. INSURANCE ADVERTISEMENT.

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�2018 AIG Direct Insurance Services Inc.
9640 Granite Ridge Drive #200
San Diego, CA 92123






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