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Monday, February 19, 2018

This one common lunch food may seriously be harming your health

7 News
Afternoon Report
Americans everywhere are taking this one medication that might be harming you. You need to know what it is
See the truth > >
PETAIN To the soldier the voice of the great guns speaks plainly. Their ears accustomed to the various forms of bombardments, Hal and Chester realized as well as the rest that this was no mere resumption of an artillery duel. It was not a single salvo from a single German position that had been fired. The great guns boomed from north and south; and continued to boom. The officer who was conducting

the three friends to the headquarters of General Petain turned and called a single word over his shoulder: Hurry He broke into a run and the others did likewise. A short turn or two and they brought up before a tent somewhat larger than the rest. This the lads knew was General Petains field headquarters. Even as the French
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turned on his heel and made his way from the tent. But even as he would have moved away he became involved in more trouble. With head down and not looking where he was going, he collided with another figure and was pushed violently backwards. Stubbs looked up angrily and was about to say something when he glanced at the other.

is my business. Its the business of the New York Gazette. The people in the United States want to know what is going on over here. Im afraid General Petain wouldnt agree with you, Stubbs, interposed Hal. He doesnt care what the people in the United States want. All he cares about right now is to lick the Germans. Well, maybe youre right, Stubbs admitted, but just the same—I want you fellows to know that hunting news is not snooping. Stubbs, said Chester, Ive got to give you

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