Blog Archive

Monday, February 26, 2018

No Messy Glue Or Adhesive Needed With These Lashes

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No Messy Glue Or Adhesive Needed With These Lashes



Say Goodbye to Messy Glue Forever!

Get beautiful accent lashes with the 3 Second Lash™ Magnetic Eyelash Kit. The 3 Second Lash™ gently ‘sandwiches’ your natural lashes to create bolder, fuller lashes in seconds! Lightweight, secure and comfortable ? for all-day wear. No messy glues or adhesives required and 3 Second Lash™ will not damage your natural lashes. Reusable ? Designed for everyday use! Includes: 2 Sets of Natural accent Lashes, 1 Set of Bold accent Lashes and Magnetic Storage Case.


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PO Box 4077 Broadlands, VA 20148







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