Greeting's my dear, I hope that you are in good health and God is always watching you and to take care of you and your Family.My name is Joy Donald and im a beautiful girl in this country of Cote d' Ivoire. i am an ordinary girl and simple bread winner of my self. finish college degree not working .I am brought up motherless but i am thankful that I have my father with me all along till the death of my father on 20th Febuary 2010 in a private hospital here in Abidjan. he secretly called me on his bedside and told me that he has a sum of $ 12.500.000 (Tweleve Million, five hundred thousand dollars) left in a suspence account in one of the local bank here in Abidjan, that he used my name as his first daugther for the next of kin in deposit of the fund. now I can say that God is good in everywhere and in everytime. he also explained to me that it was because of this wealth and some huge amount of money his business associates supposed to balance him from the deal they had that he was poisoned by his business associates, that I should seek for a God fearing foreign partner in a country of my choice where I will transfer this money and use it for investment purpose such as real (estate management) can you be my friend,my guardian,my partner, for the time been. dearest, i am honourably seeking your assistance in the following ways ) 1 to provide a Bank account where this money would be transferred to ) 2 to serve as the guardian of this since I am a girl of 22 years. moreover dear, i am willing to offer you some % of the sum as compensation for effort input after the successful transfer of this fund to your designate account overseas.I'm very honest person and always like to help others. Thank you very much, i will wait for your reply. God always be with you. Yours sincerly, Ms Joy Donald |
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Sunday, October 7, 2012
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