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Monday, September 28, 2015

Your Order #GU1YS6H2 for Sept 28 is on Hold

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I read all the replies and I had a long talk with my BF about boundaries. He listened, agreed with me, and decided to talk to his parents. I was hopeful and glad that he was going to do something about this, but things soon got much worse. He returned home a few hours later with his parents! Silly me, I was assuming that they were here to apologize or at the very least have an conversation about everything that has been going on. They accused me of trying to keep him away from them and isolate him in order to and control him. I told them that I was not, and never said that he shouldn't interact with them. All I wanted was for them to respect MY boundaries and stop making unreasonable demands. They said that this is what all do, and that I am showing my true colors. The messed up part is that my BF was visibly affected by all this to the point of starting to agree with them! They kept insisting that I was acting guilty, and that only guilty people have something to hide, and the fact that I'm refusing to show them my bank statements prove that their suspicions are correct. I told them that it is NONE of their business, and if my BF trusts me, what right do they have to interfere with my business? At that point his dad got in my face and screamed at me about being a horrible person who their son. They brought up a  I had attended last year with mutual friends of BF and I from college. They accused me of spending that weekend away prostituting myself instead of going to the , and when I countered with the fact that there was an entire  full of photos on my FB, they then their accusation to suspecting that I was dealing drugs! This was shocking to me as I have never dealt drugs in my life, and neither my BF, his parents, or anyone else has ever accused me of dealing drugs. I pointed out that their accusations keep changing the moment the first one is proven wrong, and how exactly am I supposed to prove a negative like that? Even if I gave them my bank statements, they would accuse me of having a different account, or of hiding , who knows what else? I told them that it is clear that it isn't going to stop, and therefore they should just stop bothering me with their insane theories and leave me alone. I guess this was my fault for going to the without my BF, but I had asked him to go along repeatedly but he kept saying that he doesn't like large crowds, which I have known about him from the start. I didn't think that there was an issue since I was with girls and my BF also knew these people from college.

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