Hello Dear,
Good day friend, this massage mighty come to you as surprise but i chose to reach you through internet because it still remains the fastest medium of communication through this medium internet has been greatly abused.Please give me this little chance to explain myself to you, I would have like to meet you face to face before departing from this mother earth but due to the illness continue to deprive the chance but even if I die on the process of this operation I will still praise ALMIGHTY.
My name is Mrs. Aij Heidi i am a dying woman and i decided to donate what I have to you for charity work/assistance to less privileged people in the society. I am 59 years old and I was diagnosed of cancer for about 2 years ago, immediately after the death of my husband, who has left me everything he worked for and because the doctors told me that I will not live longer than two months because of my health, I am married to Mr Heidi salf al-islam who died as the result of war in Syria before my husband dead he inform me that he deposited the sum of $19.2 million dollars in a SECURITY COMPANY, for foreign investment before he was poisoned to death as the result of war in Syria, I want you to help me to use this money for a charity project before I die, for the poor Less-privilege and ORPHANAGES in your country.
I accept this decision because I do not have any child who will inherit this money after I die. I want your urgent reply to me so that I will give you the deposit receipt which the SECURITY COMPANY issued to me as next of kin for immediate transfer of the money to your account in your country, to start the good work of God, I want you to use the 40/percent of the total amount to help yourself in doing the project.
I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality and trust in this matter to accomplish my heart desire, as I don't want anything that will jeopardize my last wish.
From Mrs. Aij Heidi
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013
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