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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Big Pharma isn't there to help, but this is.

Focus Group
Mom's Shed Inches!

12 wk. Study

After pouring though mountains of research and 12-week clinical study, while I had an educated opinion, I still had no personal proof that the Belly-Buster option was worth the time.
So, with my editors blessing, I decided to go out and put the product to the test myself. What better way to find out the truth than to conduct my own study?

Here are the study results:
US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Belly-Buster? See the study.

"After one week on the diet using Forskolin I was surprised at the dramatic results. My energy level was up, and I wasn’t even hungry, an apparent side effect which curbs the appetite." ~ Rachel

See my findings...

NEW MARKET, Tenn. A fire broke out inside a zinc mine in Tennessee on Wednesday, trapping three miners inside and injuring two others, authorities said.The trapped miners were speaking to rescuers. They made it to a safe area more than one mile underground, said Tim Wilder of the Jefferson County EMA. He said there is an access road that emergency workers will drive down to reach them. He described the fire as still smoking, but not burning.There were 54 miners underground at the time of the fire and 51 made it out safely, according to Amy Louviere, a spokeswoman with the Mine Safety and Health Administration. She said the miners that were trapped were in good condition, away from the smoke.They made contact with the surface about an hour after the fire started on a drill rig about 800 feet below the ground. The Tennessee Emergency Management Agency said the fire started around 1:10 p.m. EST.It was not clear yet how the fire started at the Young mine about


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