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occupied without trouble. It is, NTLRYTIY again, beyond doubt that two equally fruitful and equally well-situated pieces of land bear equal WDLFP rents, even if the one that is fruitful by nature is simply taken occupation of VUJEQPCL at a trifling expenditure of labour, while the other has to be made productive by a great expenditure of labour. Further, RESETR it is clear that, if 200 acres bear twice as much rent as 100 acres, it is not because their VTUNJQBE first occupation was twice as troublesome. And finally, every one can see that, if rent rises with increasing population, the rising rent has nothing in RWMTURFC the world to do withthe original expenditure of labour. In short, it is clear that theemergence and the amount IDWTHPJKC of 305b987c477f781d17bc82b94010de41 rent do not in the least correspond with the emergence and amount of the labour 305b987c477f781d17bc82b94010de41originally expended in the occupation. It is impossible, then,that 305b987c477f781d17bc82b94010de41 the principle which will explain the phenomenon of rent can be found in the original expenditure of labour. Essentially different, however, is the question whether the existence of 305b987c477f781d17bc82b94010de41 rent cannot be justified by this expenditure of labour. In this case one may quite well take up the position that he who makes a piece of ground EQWINR productive, or even does no more than occupy it as the first pioneer of civilisation, has merited a wage as lasting as the advantage that thereby GJOWUFAYY accrues to human XMSUGAWO society; that it is just and reasonable that he who has put a piece of ground 305b987c477f781d17bc82b94010de41 under cultivation for all time should for all time receive a 305b987c477f781d17bc82b94010de41 part of its productiveness in the shape of rent. I shall not maintain that this 305b987c477f781d17bc82b94010de41 way of looking at the institution DVKNOUAS of private property in land, and of private land-rents based on that institution, must be conclusive in all circumstances, but itcertainly 305b987c477f781d17bc82b94010de41 may be so in some circumstances.It is, e.g. very probable indeed that 305b987c477f781d17bc82b94010de41 a colonial government, anxious to expedite the settling of its territory, does wisely when it offers,as premium for the labour of cultivation and of first occupation, 305b987c477f781d17bc82b94010de41 the ownership of YSRJ lands brought into cultivation, and with that the right to a permanent rent. In this way the consideration of the labour put forth by the first occupant may furnishIJQ quite a RXPN plausible justification, and a conclusive social-political motive for the introduction and retention of rent, while none the less it is an entirely insufficient explanation of it. [none] It is exactly the same with the FPO relation in which the capitalists' "saving and disposing activities" stand to interest. In so far as, in those activities, we see the most effectual means to the accumulation and proper FPDXKKYHB employment of a sufficient national capital, and in so far as we could not expect that 305b987c477f781d17bc82b94010de41 these activities would be forthcoming from private persons in sufficient amount, if such persons were not led to expect permanent advantages, these services may furnish a very substantial justification and EGMTWH a conclusive legislative reason for the introduction and maintenance of interest. But it is an entirely different question whether the existence of 305b987c477f781d17bc82b94010de41 interest can also be theoretically explained by pointing to that "labour." If it can be so explained, then there must be VPGP shown some normal relation . |
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