- given. The afternoon was waning when once more they came in sight of the sea. The setting sun had turned the expanse of ocean into a vast plain of shimmering, quivering gold. The Meadow-Brook Girls uttered exclamations of delight when they set eyes on the scene. For a few moments they stood still, gazing and gazing as if it were not possible to get enough of the, to most of them, unusual spectacle. A
- returned her face was all smiles. I know where I am now, she called. How far have we to go? asked Harriet. About five miles, they say, but one has to make allowances for distances in the country. It is difficult to find two persons who will agree on the distance to any certain point. Five mileth, did you say? questioned Tommy. Yes, dear. Thave me! We shall easily make it in two hours. I
- full quarter of a mile ahead they observed that the shores a little back were quite heavily wooded, though the trees were small and slender. This particular spot seemed to have attracted Miss Eltings attention to the exclusion of all else. As she looked, a smile overspread her countenance. The girls did not observe it. We are nearly there, she called. Near the camp? asked Tommy. Yes, the camp, you
- dont think we can go astray. So long as we keep within sound of the sea we shall be right. If you are ready, we will move on. Once more they set out. They had gone on less than an hour when Margery began to cry. Tommy regarded her with disapproving eyes. Margery declared that she couldnt walk another step. Inquiry by Miss Elting developed the fact that Buster had a blister on her right foot. This
Breaking Report:Bernie Sanders does the unthinkable
at the debate last night![]()
See what happened backstage
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