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o earmark $2 million for programs to improve basic literacy education, citing estimates that up to 44% of the state's populati David Williams characterized Gex Williams as mean-spirited and "a full-time anarchist".[56] Robinson lost the primary, but Gex Williams was defeated by Democrat Ken Lucas in the general election.[58] When Gex Williams, who did not seek re-election to his Senate seat in order to run for the House, left the chamber at the end of 1998, David Williams blocked a resolution commending his years of service, a traditional honor for long-serving legislator by the attempt to remove him as floor leader, Dan Kelly did not seek the post again at the General Assembly's organizational meeting. Williams declared his candidacy for the position, and ally Charlie Borders became a candidate for minority caucus chairman. Williams' leadership team was elected, and Democrat Larry Saunders was re-elected unanimously as President of the Senate. As minority leader, Williams negotiated an agreement with Saunders to allow Republicans to hold a major–18 edge for the Democrats to a tie between Democrats and Republicans.[60] The switch called into question how legislation would proceed through the chamber. Historically, the flow of legislation on the floor had been managed by the majority leader, but with an equal number of Democrats and Republicans, neither Williams nor Democratic floor leader David Karem could be considered the majority leader. Among the options considered were allowing Karem to retain control as before, allowing Williams and Karem to alternate control daily or weekly, allowing members of the chamber to choose between the two, or flipping a coin to determine who would be in control.[60] Bob Leeper of Paducah rendmocrat Larry Saunders.[48] The dissident Democrats said that their region had been ignored by Senate leadership.[48] Republicans agreed to support Saunders in exchange for more seats on the powerful Senate Appropriations and Revenue Committee, majority membership on two unspecified Senate committees, half of the seats on the Senate Education Committee, and chamber rules that reduced the power of the majority party.[48] Under those rules, Saunders said any proposed legislation that had the votes to pass would come to the floor rather than being killed by a committee; with this provision in place, Republicans were able to pass more of their legislative agenda, including the restrictions on abortion that Williams and colleague Tim Philpot sought in the 1992 session.[49] Williams was the only Republican who did not vote for Saunders; having already promised his vote to Rose, he abstained after the alliance of Republicans and Democrats was reverm the state's system of higher education, including reducing the duplication of effort between the state's community colleges and technical schools.[51] When the plan was presented to the legislature in 1997, Williams successfully pushed for an amendmentered the discussion moot when, after talking with Williams, he also switched party affiliations from Democratic to Republican in August 1999, giving Republary education.[52] During the 1997 session, the Kentucky Center for Public Issues, a private, nonprofit public policy center, conducted a survey of legislators, lobbyists and journalists that showed Williams as the tenth most effective state senator, second among Republicans.[53] The same survey showed Williams as the most admired Republican in thn, he led an attempt to replace Republican minority leader Dan Kelly.[55] When the Republican caucus met, Kelly survived by a vote of 9–9, but his influence was weakened by the challenge.[55] During the caucus meeting, Williams charged Kelly ally and fellow Republican Senator Gex Williams of trying to recruit an opponent for him in the Republican primary.[55] Gex Williams readily admitted to the recruitment, saying primaries were good for the party.[55] The inc
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