List h3 List h3 List h3 for a few seconds; the boat made a wild sheer towards them, and the missionary uttered a cry of agony as he fancied his child was about to be run down, perhaps killed, before his eyes; but the cry was transformed into a shout of joy and thanksgiving when he saw one of the lifeboat's crew seize Guy by the hair, and another catch his daughter by a portion of her dress. They were quickly pulled into the boat. To save the remainder was now a matter of less difficulty. The missionary was the only one left they were all so thoroughly exhausted as to have become comparatively indifferent to, and therefore ignorant of, all that was going on around them. All their energies were required to enable them simply to retain their position on the rigging. At first the sight of the rockets from the lightship, and her lanterns gleaming in the far distance, had aroused feelings of hope, but as hour after hour passed away the most of the unhappy people fell into a sort of stupor or indifference, and the lights were no longer regarded with hopeful looks. When the lugger came towards them and anchored outside the Sands, it was so dark that none stern; but as it had met the sea sternon it was not overturned. It was completely filled however, and some time was necessarily lost in freeing it of water. The oars, being attached to the sides of the boat by lanyards, were not carried away. In a few minutes they had veered down under the lee of the wreck. The crew and passengers of the Nancy were still clinging to the crosstrees, benumbed and almost unable to speak or move when the lifeboat approached. With the exception of Bax and Bluenose, block and tackle was therefore quickly rigged up by Bluenose, by which they were lowered. Poor Lucy had not the courage to make the attempt until one or two of the seamen had preceded her, it seemed so appalling to be swung off the mast into the black raging chaos beneath her feet, where the lifeboat, shrouded partially in darkness and covered with driving spray, appeared to on the mast who was not able more or less to take care of himself; but the joy consequent on seeing his daughter saved infused new vigour into his frame. He and the others were finally got offBax being the last to quit the wreckand then the lifeboat pulled away from the dangerous shoals and made for the land. Finding it impossible to reach Broadstairs, owing to the direction of
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