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Friday, April 20, 2018

Drop 10 in 10 with this new product


Get A Steamy Beach Body By May

Picture yourself down 10 by May without working out or eating any differently. New carb-burning product can make that possible.

See our top recommended formula will tighten your entire body

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shouted one nervous woman, leaping up and down, and pointing. Oh, Captain Captain Save us from all being murdered Two or three young , who also saw the floating, queerlyshaped little craft dancing on the waves just off the steamships starboard bow, began to scream in terror. Even several of the men, who should have known better, experienced a shock of fright for a moment. The submarine pirate that had been joked about for so many days, now seemed a thing of reality. Down amidships, on the main deck, a pretty girl had sat, balanced on the rail, her stalwart brother standing by to hold her securely. Yet, in the excitement that followed, the girl uttered a shriek and tottered. Her brothers hold was loosened for the instant, in his own bewilderment.
in a submarine boat, Captain Coster had laughingly told his passengers. A submarine boat could get away again, without leaving a trail. In these days no other kind of pirate craft could long escape. So the passengers had joked each other about the submarine boat that would meet them, and rob the liner of its precious cargo. Bets had laughingly been offered that the submarine pirate would be encountered off the coast of the United States. Now, when the little craft shot up in the path of the big one, the bow watch of the Greytown, and a dozen passengers standing up in the bow, saw the little boat at the same time. Theres the pirate
So easily was this done that there was no real sensation of rising. Suddenly the conning tower appeared above water. There was a quick rush upward for the platform deck. None of these middies ever having been below before, in a submarine boat, several of them had been on tenterhooks of anxiety. Not one of them, however, by word or gesture had betrayed the fact. Two minutes later the Pollard emerged from the water, several hundred yards away. Those on the deck of the Farnum had a splendid view of the other
running em down, quivered the submarine boy. The instant he had the power off Captain Jack threw the manhole cover of the tower open. As he bounded out on the platform deck several of the midshipmen followed, with Ensign Trahern and others. No sooner had his feet touched the platform deck than Jack threw down his cap. His blouse followed, almost in the same instant. Racing to the rail, the submarine boy calculated his distance, then sprang overboard, striking out desperately. Word had been carried to the Greytowns bridge, and the big craft was slowing up as rapidly as her headway permitted, while an officer and several men rushed

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