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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Joanna Gaines returning to Fixer Upper for new season?

CBS Special Report
Is Joanna Gaines now returning to Fixer Upper?

In latest report, Chip reveals why Joanna is contemplating her big return after this scandal broke.

Ep/45372068 > >

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Nymphthats this here very boat. They had er anchored up a ways here, right off Cerrys Hill, an they was out in the skiff floppin roundsome said fishin. They was bobbin fer eels, thats wot they was doin, said the other man. Well, wotever they was doin it was night n thar was a storm. An thats every bloomin thing me or you or anybody elsell ever know about it. The next day Croby Risbeck up here was out fer his nets an he come on the skiff swamped, over89 there offn that point. An near it was Benty Willis. Drowned asked Roy. Drownded. He must o tried to keep afloat by clingin t the skiff, but she was down to her gunnel an wouldn

yed call it murder, but itd be killin, sure enough. Leastways, they never got him, an its my belief he was chopped up. Take a tip from me, you boys, an look out fer the night boat, cause the night boat aint agoin t look out fer you. The girl, strolling back, put an end to their talk, but it was clear that she, too, must have been thinking of that fatal night, for her eyes were red and she seemed less vivacious. You must be careful, said she, there are a good many accidents on the river. My father told me to tell you youd better not do much traveling at night. I want to see you on board, and then I must go home, she added. She

Roy asked. Sure enough; always taggin on behind. How did they think it happened asked Tom. Wall, fer one thing, it was a rough night an they may uv jest got swamped. But agin, its a fact that Harry knew how to swim; he was a reglar waterrat. Now, what I think is this. Th only thing t d prevent that lad gettin ashored be his gettin killednot drowned, but killed.90 You dont mean murdered Tom asked. Well, if they was swamped by the big night boat, an he got mixed up with the paddle wheel, I dont know if

planks and rollers on board the truck. The freshly painted boat was growing dim in the gathering darkness and the lordly hills across the river were paling into gray again. As the little group paused, a deep, melodious whistle reechoed from the towering heights and the great night boat came into view, her lights aloft, plowing up midstream. The92 Good Turn bobbed humbly like a good subject as the mighty white giant passed. The girl watched the big steamer wistfully and for a moment no one spoke. Was your brotherfond of traveling Roy ventured.

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