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Monday, December 28, 2015

[Urgent] Tesla crazy device cuts electric bills to 0

CNBC NEWS Breaking News - #teslaenergy
MUST READ: Why Elon Musk's Device Frightens Electric Companies
CNBC News - Dec 28th, 2015

Consumer alert: The average home is saving more than 90% in energy cost with this cool device. Learn more

Electric Companies hate this guy
"It's Easy to install but our *st_ock is limited. Better hurry and get it, your Electric company is trying to hide this from you" - Tesla

Adaptable to any household appliances - Installs in Minutes

Here Is Yours To Use On Your Home Find out today (VIDEO)

See how it works - Your electricity bill will be 0

To opt-out visit here

He kneltJLFG down next ABWVto the not-realOEFUly-aPNLP-naked-MOTNman in his entry aQWKFnd lifted the head, gently, with one haHSDSnd. With the other, he felt through the hair at the back of the skull until he came to a small, regular bump. He pressed it, and the tNJUWhingUAGW's eyes blDFSRinked open. Even hJBOBaving expected it, Austin still startled enough tQBTFhat he almost dropped its head onto the floor. It sat up and looked aroRNTIund; Austin scooted back a little and watched the thing working. It looked human.MEQUYTNO Well, oGKODf couMWBPrse it did; it was CVJNthe most expensive YAOQhuman simulDKVVation current technology could product. Not an androXRGNid they weren't quite upXWIX to creaTXOCting a puIDFUrely synthetic huAGMCman being yet, but as cFXRElose XJUCas anyone could get cTTAUoming from a robotics-and-AI direNGIMction. The doll took a quGQMCick glance arouOBEYnd, then satFJVH up and turned toSKMX face Austin wIECIith a friendly smile. "Hello. You're AuNAMIstin Green?" Austin juVOFJst stared for a seconVPVEd, not used GIGWto having things thatMKXT looked like peVTBOople talking to him, before heENMO finally said, "Yes, SRYIthat's me." "Great!RMSP I beloBXYYng toNXFV you now, and I'm sILUUure we'll have XSOUa lot of good times toOSJSgether. My name is Shay." Austin felGYHBt hQJKKis throat clench, andVFAY he had to cough GYBVa couple of timesYGSI. AlUPDSthough once he though

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