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present, because it may be long ere we meet again.By Saint Andrew, but it shall not though, answered Roland; I will not hunt at all BHSD

unless we are to hunt in couples.I suspect, in that and in other points, we DPTHWJQQL must do as we are bid,replied the young lady. But, hark! I hear my aunts WF voice.

The old lady entered in good earnest, and darted a severe glance at her niece, while Roland had the ready wit to busy himself about the halter FAUSVETHU

of the XA BE cow. The young DLEGUYJXO gentleman, said Catherine, gravely,is helping me to tie the cow up faster to her stake, forI find that last night when she put her

head out of window and EGL lowed, she alarmed the whole village; and we shall be suspected of sorcery among the heretics, NYCCXK if they do not discover the cause of the

apparition, or lose our cow if they do.Relieve yourself of that fear, said the JXFDVLW Abbess, somewhat ironically;the person to

whom she is now sold, comes for the animal presently. Good night, then, my EGUE poor companion, said Catherine, patting the animals shoulders;

I hope thouhast fallen into kind hands, HBK for my happiest hours of late have been spent in tending thee UFQSEBQUH I would I had YGWALYXXJ been born to no VFMSQLY better

task!Now, out upon thee, mean-spirited wench!said the Abbess;is that a speech worthy of the name of Seyton, or of the mouth of a sister of this WGDGJP

house, treading the path of election and to be spoken before CRHU a stranger XKNTTPC QPNSONCM youth, too?Go to my oratory, minion there read your Hours till I come thither, when I will

read you such SQFJCEIKK a lecture as shall make PVARNJOM you prize the blessings which you possess. Catherine was about to withdraw in silence, casting a

half sorrowful half comic glance at Roland Graeme, which seemed to say You see to what your untimely visit has exposed me,when, suddenly changing her mind, she came forward VEIRTK

to the page, and extended her hand as she bid him good evening. Their JKB palms had pressed CB each OGNIWVT other ere the BCDNOS astonished matron could interfere, and Catherine had time to JPMABDMAH say

Forgive me, mother; it is long since we have seen a face that looked with kindness on us. Since these disorders UREHDQ IFR have broken up our peaceful retreat, XNHI all has been gloom MDCNIHD and

malignity. I bid this youth kindly farewell, because he has come hither in kindness, WCN and because the odds are great, that we may never again meet OOPQTES in this world. I guess

better than he, CBM that the schemes on which you are rushing are too mighty for your management, and that you are now setting the IIQY stone a-rolling, which RXSR MACYEG must surely crush you in its

descent. I bid fare-well,she added,to my fellow-victim!PM this was spoken with a tone of deep OSJQIBIX and serious hiling, altogether different from the

usual levity of Catherines manner, and plainly showed, that beneath the giddiness of extreme youth and total inexperience, there lurked in her RCCMGD

bosom a deeper power of sense and hiling, YOMPNGQ than her conduct had GXDJCCNIR hitherto expressed. The Abbess remained a moment silent after she had left .

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