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Friday, May 1, 2015

Most searched summer-slim-down-program!

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Ayurvedic medicine has been around for 1000's of years and we in the West are just starting to understand it.
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oman and a woman can be married, but a man can't have another wife?"Polygamy in Utah and across much of the Intermountain West is a legacy of 19th century Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mormons abandoned the practice of plural marriage in the 1890s as a condition of Utah's statehood. The church now excommunicates members found engaging in polygamy.An estimated 38,000 self-described Mormon fundamentalists continue the practice, believing it brings exaltation in heaven. Most keep their way of life a secret. In most cases, polygamous men are legally married to their first wives and marry subsequent brides only religious ceremonies.Sister Wives (TLC)

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