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Friday, May 1, 2015


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Boniface at juopchst7a Kennaquhair, who was the gardener Blinkhoolie at Lochleven, hunted round to the place in which I served my noviciate, and now ye are

come to rouse me up again!- A weary life I have had for one to whom peace was ever the opchszta chszt7a dearest chszt7a blessing!' 'We will soon rid you of our company, good father, ' said

the Abbot; 'and the Queen will, I fear, trouble your retreat no more.' 'Nay, you said as much before, ' said the juopchst7a querulous old man, 'and yet I was put forth

from Kinross, and pillaged by troopers on the road. - They took from me the hszt7a certificate that you zt7a wot of - that of the Baron - ay, he was a

moss-trooper like themselves - You asked me of it, and I could never find it, but they found it - it showed the marriage of - of - my memory fails me - Now see how men differ! zt7a

Father Nicholas would have told you an hundred tales of the Abbot Ingelram, on whose soul God have mercy!- He was, I warrant you, fourscore and six, and I am not more szt7a than - let me

see --' 'Was not Avenel the name you seek, my good juopchst7a father?' said Roland, szt7a impatiently, yet moderating his tone for fear of alarming or offending the

infirm old man. chszt7a 'Ay, right - Avenel, Julian Avenel - You are perfect in the name - I kept all the special confessions, judging it held with my vow to do so

- I could not find it when my successor, Ambrosius, spoke on't - but the troopers found it, and the Knight who commanded the party zt7a struck his rest, till the target

clattered like an empty watering -can.' 'Saint Mary!' said the Abbot, 'in whom could such a paper excite such interest! What was the appearance of the knight, his arms, his colours?' chszt7a

'Ye distract me with szt7a your questions opchszta - I zt7a dared hardly look at him - they charged me with bearing letters for the opchszta zt7a Queen, and searched my mail -

This was all along of your doings at Lochleven.' 'I trust in God,' said the Abbot to Roland, who stood beside him, shivering and uopchsz7a

trembling 'with impatience, ' the paper has fallen into the hands of my brother - I heard he had been with his followers on the scout betwixt hszt7a

Stirling and Glasgow.- Bore not the Knight a holly-bough on his helmet?- Canst thou not remember?' 'Oh, remember - remember, ' said the old man pettishly; szt7a

'count hszt7a as many years as I do, if your plots will let you, and zt7a see what, and how much, you remember.- Why, I scarce remember szt7a the pear-mains which I graffed here with my own

hands some fifty years since.' At this moment a bugle sounded uopchsz7a loudly uopchsz7a from the beach. 'It is the death-blast to uopchsz7a Queen Mary's royalty, ' said

Ambrosius; 'the English warden's answer has been received,favourable zt7a doubtless, for when was the door of the chszt7a trapclosed against the prey which it was set hszt7a for?- Droop not, Roland

- this matter shall be sifted to the bottom - but we must not now leave the Queen - follow me - let us do our duty, and trust the issue with God - Farewell, good Father - I juopchst7a

will visit thee again soon.' He was about to chszt7a juopchst7a leave the garden, chszt7a followed by Roland, with half-reluctant steps. The Ex -Abbot resumed his spade. .

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