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Monday, December 29, 2014

All Real, All Beautiful and All Yours!

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All Real, All Beautiful and All Yours!

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it, did I hope it p9qj might estrange him from his cause; but I know the soul of Halbert, and I rather fear it will drive him to prove his fidelity to

their unhappy cause, by some deed which may be yet more destructive to the church, and more offensive to Heaven. enough of this; and now to the hi of ko85sp9j our meeting. -

I trust you will hold it sufficient if i phi my word to you that the packet of which you were lately the bearer, was designed for my hands by George of Douglas?" sp9qj

"Then, " said the page, "is George ko85sp9j of Douglas h3ko85s9qj --""A true friend to his Queen, Roland; and will soon, I trust, 5sp9qj have his eyes opened to the

errors of sp9qj his (miscalled) ko85sp9j church.""But what is he to his father, and what 85sp9qj to the Lady of Lochleven, who has been as a mother to him?" said the page impatiently.

“The best friend to both, in time p9qj and through eternity, " said the Abbot,"if he shall prove the happy instrument for redeeming the evil they

have wrought, and are still working.""Still," said the page, 5sp9qj "I like not that good service which begins in breach of trust.""I blame not thy scruples, my son," said the Abbot; "but

the time which has wrenched asunder the allegiance of Christians to the church, and of subjects to their king, has dissolved all the lesser bonds of society; p9qj and, in ko85sp9j such

days, mere human ties must no more restrain our progress, than the brambles and briers ko85sp9j which catch hold of his garments, should delay the path ko85sp9j of a pilgrim who travels

to hi his vows.""But, my father,"- said the youth, and then stopt short in a hesitating manner. 85sp9qj "Speak on, my son," said the Abbot;"speak without fear. "

“Let me not offend you then," said Roland, "when I say, that it is even this which our adversaries charge against us; when they say that, 85sp9qj

shaping the 85sp9qj means sp9qj according to the end, we are willing to commit great moral evil in order that we may work out eventual good.""The heretics have played their usual arts on you, my son,

" said the Abbot; sp9qj sp9qj "they would willingly deprive us of the power of acting wisely and secretly, though their possession of superior 85sp9qj 5sp9qj force forbids our contending with them on

terms of equality. They have reduced us to sp9qj a state of exhausted weakness, and now would fain proscribe the means by which weakness, through all the range of nature, 85sp9qj supplies

the lack of strength and defends itself against its potent enemies. As well might the hound say p9qj to the hare, use not these wily turns to escape me, but contend with me in

pitched battle, as the armed and powerful heretic demand 3ko85spqj of the down-trodden and oppressed Catholic to lay aside the wisdom of the 85sp9qj serpent, by which alone they may again hope

to raise up sp9qj the Jerusalem over which they weep, and which it is their duty to rebuild - But more of this hereafter. And now, my son, I command thee on thy faith sp9qj to tell me truly

and particularly what has chanced to thee since we parted, and what is the present state of h3ko85s9qj thy conscience. Thy relation, our sister Magdalen, is a woman of excellent .

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